Thursday, May 29, 2014


Assignment #6: My Word in Translation 


My word translated from English into German:  Modern

My word translated from German into English:  Mord

My word translated into Latin:  homicidium

My word translated from Latin into English:  Murders

My word translated into French: Assassiner

My word translated from French into English:  Murder-charm; spell

My word translated into Spanish:  Asesinato

My word translated from Spanish into English: Assassin

1. What does this research tell me about translation, about language, and about the relationship of languages to each other?  Some sound very similar to English or variations of English words

2. Interview with 2 native speakers of "Southern" English.

     Spoke with 2 backwoods, country men, one from South Carolina and the other from the hills of Tennessee.  Both use different terminology and references when speaking of murder but it still has the same meanings.


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