Thursday, May 29, 2014

Assignment 4: Semantics What my word "means"

1. What words do I associate with my word?

  •   Death
  •    Execution
  •    Kill
  •    Bloodshed
  •   Crime
  •   Homicide
  •   Felony
  •  Manslaughter
  •  Hit
  •  Taking Out
  •  Punishment
  •  Foul Play
  • Dexter
  • Breaking Bad

2. What words have a similar meaning?
·         Kill has a similar meaning to murder
3. How are the words related to my word?
·         Kill relates to my word murder, because both words mean to cause the death of a person with premeditation and intent.
·         Hit relates to my word murder because it is slang for murder.
·         Crime is related to my word murder because it’s meaning is an action prohibited by law.
·         Death is related to my word murder because that is the action that occurs – The state of someone dying or being dead.
·         All my other associate words are related to my word murder because they are the results or consequences that occur after a murder.
4. Is my word broader or narrower than the others?
·         I feel that my word is broader than my associate words, because you can reference the word murder for so many things.  Example:  That test Mrs. Meyers gave us was murder! The Conway Tigers murdered Myrtle Beach Seahawks!  Mom lets Taylor get away with murder.  He will be sent to prison for the murder of his boss.
5. Is my word formal or informal?
·         Murder is a more formal word than my associate words listed above.

6. Array of words semantically related to my word.



 10 Person Interview

Wayna Marie - Age 40  - South Carolina
Deals with all types of people from all walks of life
syn:  death, sadness for families

Tim - Age 42 - South Carolina
Deals with homeowners and other contractors
syn: Death, Kill

Cassie - Age 23 - South Carolina
Hangs out with friends and helps her patients at work
syn:  Who did it?  What Happened? When?

Matt - Age 19 - Tennessee
Goes to college and works in hospitality
syn:  A Hit, Knifed

Andrew - Age 17 - Tennessee
High School
syn:  blood and guts, death

Barbara - Age 63 - South Carolina
Works with the disabled
syn:  who?  And sadness

Billy Wayne - Really Old - South Carolina
Retired from Nuclear Power Plant/Veteran
syn: Off, Ice, slain, whacked

Bonnie - Age 60 - South Carolina
Small Business Owner/ Semi Retired
syn:  death, kill, terrible, why?

Ron -Age 60 - South Carolina
Small Business Owner
syn:  smoke em, waste em

Taylor - Age 18 - South Carolina
syn:  What?  Who? How?

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